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Перевод: abandoned speek abandoned

покинутый; заброшенный; оставленный; брошенный; распутный


  1. For women and the lower classes, unhappiness is to be endured, not abandoned, even for the pursuit of imaginary alternatives
  2. In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries this jurisdiction was abandoned by the Chancellor and passed to the Court of Star Chamber.
  3. The united front put up by the other EC leaders was made possible by the West German Chancellor, Dr Helmut Kohl, who abandoned any attempt to slow down the decision on an inter-governmental conference.
  4. The long straight cores are abandoned.
  5. THE FIASCO that has surrounded Europe's Super-SARA experiment into nuclear safety - a project that has cost 100 million but is now to be abandoned part-built - is spilling over into another arena of big-budget research, nuclear fusion.
  6. He also fathered a child by Marevna (Maria Vorobiev) and abandoned both women when he left for Mexico in 1921.
  7. So in 1967, the rotation of the earth was abandoned as the basic source of timekeeping.
  8. A planned scheme for WEA village lectures, to be provided by some of Newlove's students, foundered with his illness and were abandoned.
  9. As the other books in the series have shown, social and physical environments are continually developed, abandoned and changed.
  10. Here Lee Krasner took a canvas Jackson Pollock had abandoned - a bare hessian canvas with flicked black lines across it - and incorporated pieces of this canvas into a large colourful collage, a little suggestive of autumn and a bird soaring.
  11. The general impression is rather eerie, but it is more reminiscent of a Second World War bombed city than of one abandoned nearly 2,000 years ago.
  12. Certainly, people are seduced and abandoned by the media, by its lush images - but you have to deal with that, infiltrate ideas in, give people back their vertebrae."
  13. The area of dispute, which promises to occupy all of a meeting of EC finance ministers in Luxembourg today, is over the Commission's proposal that the current system of exporting goods free of VAT be abandoned and that after 1992 the tax should be levied in the country of origin before export.

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