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Перевод: abasement speek abasement

унижение; уничижение; понижение


  1. When the emperor took his turn at dinner pouring the tea, an unimaginable reversal of protocol, his awestruck fellow-travellers tapped the table to signify the kow-tows of abasement which they would ordinarily have been performing before him.
  2. Now suffering is a vast and many-sided fact of Crime and Punishment , as of all mature Dostoevsky - larger than the "loose end" idea of The Drunks which produced Marmeladov the marmeladey wallower in abasement and humiliation, the man who seeks suffering and finds it (and so finds satisfaction too) at the bottom of his vodka jug, who screams "I'm loving this!" when his wife pulls him across the room by his hair; and larger than the "out of the practical swim" idea of "A Confession" from which emerges the murderer, the man with something to confess, who doesn't seek suffering but learns, though only in the Epilogue, to accept it.
  3. He crawls, in a shame of abasement, when he longs to leap like a flung wave, like a cloud of starlings.
  4. The sort of abasement novices have to go through before they are admitted to an order.
  5. A pied-piper's trail of opportunity discarded, needless abasement endured, and a grievous ransom paid in blood and treasure.
  6. Fanon makes a parallel point as regards racism, at the beginning of Black Skins, White Masks , where he states: "I am talking of millions of people who have been skilfully injected with fear, inferiority complexes, trepidation, servility, despair, abasement" (Fanon, 1968).
  7. The Abasement and Revival of the Monarchy, 1322-;37
  8. He was determined to regain what his father had lost, and raise the French monarchy from its abasement after Poitiers; but his methods were to be diplomacy, subversion, and limited campaigns rather than a great battle in which, as he appreciated, the French were liable to be defeated yet again.
  9. "These exercises offer the completest abandon, the most monstrous intemperance, the most total abasement "
  10. "'The social principles of Christianity preach cowardice, self-contempt, abasement, submissiveness, meekness -" she read aloud from the early works of Marx, which she had never returned to the library, property being theft, and knowledge free for everyone.
  11. Chief Inspector was slightly more than just a copper, Meredith thought wryly, amused at his apparent self abasement.

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