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Перевод: abbreviate speek abbreviate

сокращать; урезывать; использовать сокращения


  1. The most sensational views of the Bungles (as the Aussies like to abbreviate it) are from the air, either on sightseeing flights by light aircraft from Kununurra or by helicopter from within the park itself.
  2. The main chemical ingredients for life are derived from combinations of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which we can abbreviate to CHON.
  3. Also, in writing of events the writer is certain to have to abbreviate any descriptions very sharply.
  4. The earlier ones (left) abbreviate the king's name to EDW and show him wearing a crown with a triple tip; the later ones (right) have EDWA and a double tip.
  5. Please do not abbreviate it to NT," the company pleads in its literature.
  6. If the examiner has exercised his fancy by using fictitious names, like Tomkins, you are perfectly entitled to abbreviate them to the initial letter - unless, of course, two parties in the same problem have the same initial letter.
  7. It is a very good practice when writing notes to abbreviate certain words or terms which appear repeatedly.
  8. It will be convenient, by the way, to abbreviate the conditional If the switch was flipped, the wipers started not merely to If f occurred, then s occurred, as we have already, but to If F then s,.
  9. When we look, we see that the cube apparently consists of a 3 X 3 X 3 (which we abbreviate as 33) array of 27 pieces.
  10. Please do not abbreviate it to NT," the company is pleading in its literature.
  11. Your conduct has confirmed that I was utterly correct to abbreviate your filthy title to NewSS - as you represent, by your conduct, the new form of fascism.
  12. I hope my classicist friends will forgive me if I abbreviate mimeme to meme .
  13. Television, it should be remembered, can conserve and celebrate just as it can abbreviate and denature.

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