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Перевод: abnegation speek abnegation

отрицание; отречение; отказ


  1. But to ignore these issues would be a serious abnegation of their responsibility in combating racism and giving black communities a fair opportunity to make their rightful contribution and participate on equal democratic terms as citizens.
  2. But groups, and crowds, are capable of abnegation, unselfishness and devotion to an ideal; people may have their ethical conduct raised by belonging to a group.
  3. It is this conflict which leads increasingly to the urge to treat people as groups rather than as individuals - but it is an abnegation of responsibility on the part of the leaders and for the future it will not do.
  4. The refusal is as understandable as it is naive, but seems to constitute at the same time what amounts to an abnegation of intellectual curiosity about human needs.
  5. We decided that Shakespeare's plays were mere patterns of imagery, without human beings in them, and by a strange act of critical abnegation, deliberately blinded ourselves to all sorts of psychological insights, which the Victorians had been able to see and are now being seen again.
  6. In the ensuing confusion the Catholic community locally and nationally saw this as an abnegation of the 1944 Education Act.
  7. If quietism entailed abnegation of the self the better to experience the Light Within, it could also imply a moral optimism about the future.
  8. We decided that Shakespeare's plays were mere patterns of imagery without human beings in them, and, by a strange act of critical abnegation, deliberately blinded ourselves to all sorts of psychological insights, which the Victorians had been able to see, and are now being seen again.
  9. To be faithful to the over-all impression of the celebratory poems we ought to note that the effect is often the reverse of abnegation.
  10. Your valuable work - crowned by the high distinctions and titles awarded you by some prestigious scientific, cultural, and educational institutions from various countries of the world represents, much to the pride of all our people, a greatly important contribution to ensure the flourishing of the national and universal science and culture, as a brilliant example of revolutionary abnegation and deep concern with the cause of Socialist Romania's flourishing and the cause of all the nation's progress and civilization.
  11. Of the first seventeen poems those with the maximum possible abnegation of the self (that is, with no I/me/my forms at all) number no less than eleven; the first reference by the Poet to himself comes in Sonnet 10.
  12. The sticking point in faith for me was abnegation.

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