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Перевод: abutting

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  1. The area of ground selected was described somewhat imprecisely as: "All that piece of ground situate north of Fig Lane now Crowndale Road St Pancras extending northwards from thence 650 feet on average abutting Eastwards on the Church path leading to Kentish Town and is in a parallel breadth 270 feet abutting Westward on other Ground intended and agreed to be used as Garden Ground by the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy or the Undertenants and no buildings to be erected thereon which shall raise more than 12 feet above the present surface and nearer than 80 feet to the ground hereby lett and that they will reserve a Street or way 60 feet wide at the least at the northern extremity of the said ground and that the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy do engage to lett to the Veterinary College a piece or any part of their ground at any time within twelve months which they the College shall determine upon a ranging line with the north extremity of the piece already described at and after the rate of 30 per acre nett which are the same terms as the ground described and mentioned are lett at and also at and upon the same reservation of the pepper corn Rent."
  2. The gardens of its palaces abutting the castle hill merge with those of the castle.
  3. The overall effect is to loosen the tightly abutting domain junction seen in CD4(D1D2) by sliding domain 2 down by 4 residues with respect to domain 1, lengthening the molecule by some 15 .
  4. Those on its northern side had ample yards or gardens abutting Great Prescott Street, which itself gave onto Goodman's Fields.
  5. Abutting the Skeleton Coast, that legendary graveyard of mariners and ships, it is here that the last of the world's black rhino range free, while galloping hyenas and lunging kudu buck comprise the main traffic hazards.
  6. Under Lord Protector Cromwell, the property of the Deans and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral, in the Manor of Chiswick, had been transferred to Trustees who sold off all the freehold reversion of the Prebendal Manor, including the ancient Manor House; Homefields; the Lord's close abutting Chiswick Fields; Barne Close and some pasture abutting the London highway; a meadow called Prebend Mead and other land including pasture on Stamford Lane and many cottages up to Turnham Green, together with the windmill there.
  7. "in a street (or public place) called "'Street" is defined at section 1(4) Street Offences Act 1959 as any bridge, road, lane, footway, subway, square, court, alley or passage, whether a thoroughfare or not, which is for the time being open to the public, and the doorways and entrances of premises abutting on a street (as herein before defined) and any ground adjoining and open to a street, shall form part of the street.
  8. A street is also deemed to be any place of public resort or recreation ground belonging to, or under the control of the local authority and any unfenced ground adjoining or abutting upon any street in an urban district (Section 81 Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1907).
  9. At the same meeting at which the Vial memorandum was read, on 6 September 1791, a letter to the secretary from Messrs Kirkman and Hendy (who were present) was produced: "Sir, In consequence of your Advertisement we beg leave to inform you, that we have contracted with Lord Camden for about 100 acres of building land, near Old St Pancras Church, abutting on the Turnpike Road leading to Kentish Town, which is intended to be called Camden Town conceiving the situation eligible for your truly valuable Institution we request you will lay this our proposal before the Society-We hold this Land under his Lordship for 99 years from Michaelmas last, the three first subject to no Ground Rent, our proposal is, that Lord Camden does and he will under our direction grant the Society a lease for 99 years from that time, the three first subject to no rent but for the remainder of the term an Annual Rent of thirty pounds per acre, should this proposal meet with approbation, the Society have only to direct their Surveyor to make out any quantity of land and in what position they conceive will best answer their purpose".
  10. area beside the Thames in London, "abutting on one end on the bottom of Northumberland Street", originally the site of the residence of Scottish kings and ambassadors when in London, it was a coal-wharf in the early nineteenth century.
  11. Take a 15-storey building abutting a three-storey structure.

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