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Перевод: acetyl speek acetyl

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  1. Acetyl iodide is a very reactive substance and immediately combines with water, also present in the reaction mixture, to give acetic acid and HI (hydriodic acid), CH 3 C + H 2 OCH 3 C + HI The HI in turn reacts with the methanol (feedstock) to give more methyl iodide, CH 3 OH + HICH 3 I + H 2 O which can then react to Rh(CO) 2 I 2 - and so on.
  2. Density (indicated by an X in b) is clearly visible at N67 for an N- linked acetyl glucosamine which was not included in the phasing model.
  3. The inorganic part of the process (involving the metal) ends with the "reductive elimination" (opposite of oxidative addition) of acetyl iodide (CH 3 C) from the metal and the reformation of the square planar rhodium ion Rh (CO) 2 I 2 (1).
  4. 11 Here, the impulse jumps across the synapse between the sensory neurone and the connector neurone via the acetyl choline in the middle.
  5. This vector contains the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter from -105 to +51 driving the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase gene followed by the small T intron and polyadenylation signals from SV40.
  6. Acetyl iodide is a very reactive substance and immediately combines with water, also present in the reaction mixture, to give acetic acid and HI (hydriodic acid).
  7. The effect of these motifs on promoter activity was then determined by measuring the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase activity obtained following transfection of different cell types.
  8. Loewi and Dale were far from identifying acetyl choline convincingly (see Chapter 6), and isolation of the vitamins was straining the abilities of many chemical laboratories in the western world.
  9. Part of the "acid rain" pollution nexus is photochemical smog, a dry chemical soup including hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals, ozone, PAN (peroxy acetyl nitrate) and acid sulphate.
  10. Cotransfection of GAL4-RAP30 and VP16-RAP74 has been shown to transactivate the expression of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene containing a GAL4 binding site as a cis-acting element at an upstream sequence, indicating RAP74 and RAP30 interact in vivo (20).
  11. The inorganic part of the process (involving the metal) ends with the "reductive elimination" (opposite of oxidative addition) of acetyl iodide (CH 3 C) from the metal and the reformation of the square planar rhodium ion Rh (CO) 2 I 2 - (1).
  12. "However, 1991 was relatively successful for the acrylo and acetyl business, as well as some of the specialities".
  13. sCD2 contains four potential N- linked glycosylation sites (asparagines at positions 67, 77, 84 and 112), which after endoglycosidase H digestion retain single N- acetyl glucosamine moieties .

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