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Перевод: acme speek acme

высшая точка; вершина ; кульминационный пункт; кульминация ; кризис


  1. Mammals animals with mammary glands that suckle their young - were certainly present during the Triassic, and were a continuous if subordinate component of fossil faunas throughout the acme of the dinosaurs.
  2. The great Continental stations, Paris, Stuttgart, Vienna, Budapest, Bucharest, Constantinople, have been the beginning and ending and en route stopping-places in the wealth of literature inspired by that acme of railway luxury, the Orient Express, the train on which James Bond once shot a man for ordering red wine with his fish.
  3. For many years the decision in Prince (1875), in effect that the man is strictly liable when the girl is under 16, has been paraded by academic lawyers as the acme of injustice.
  4. Bob Hoover sponsored by Victor Aviation, flew the Shrike Commander in his famed "energy management series" of engine-out manoeuvres; Pepsi sponsored Joann Osterud in her ultimate 300 Biplane as well as Susan Asbury-Oliver in the Pepsi Skywriter; First Interstate Bank brought Wayne Handley and his Raven to Reno; Sean Tucker's amazing aerobatics were sponsored by Randolph Sunglasses and Dreyer's Ice Cream; the Acme Duck and Airshow returned to Reno for a repeat of their funny comedy airshow act; Scott Hammack's Smoke n Thunder jet dragster was on hand to show what an afterburning J-34 jet engine can do for miles per hour versus miles per gallon; seven-time U.S. National Aerobatic Champion Leo Loudenslager flew the Bud Light 200 in a routine that demonstrated why he is such a success in competition aerobatics; and Team America added precision three ship aerobatics to the programme.
  5. The wardrobe illustrated here is from the Acme range.
  6. Acme Media Consultants.
  7. Every "Toshie" watcher, and there are many devotees of the great Charles Rennie Mackintosh from Hill Street to Hiroshima, knows that Glasgow was once thought of as the very acme of a Tokyo for tea-rooms.
  8. He'd been buying his clothes at Acme Attractions up the road - a stall which generally did exactly the same as Malcolm only six months later, and were quite open about it.
  9. Capitalism specialises in producing useless things, but cigarettes really are the absolute acme of uselessness.
  10. For ceilings over 7ft 6in, Acme produces height reducers.
  11. The monoplacophorans really reached their acme in the Cambrian, with curious forms having shapes that have never been paralleled in other molluscs ( Yochelcionella ).
  12. Which probably had something to do with the way that what we sold would reappear slightly redone in Acme six months later.
  13. Don Letts - who then worked for Acme Attractions and was until recently part of Big Audio Dynamite - was always in.

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