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Перевод: afire speek afire

охваченный пламенем; пылающий страстью;
в огне; в огонь


  1. By accident or design the Russians had set it afire, smoking out the surviving French.
  2. Elinor twisted and swayed and twirled, her blue eyes blazing, the wick having been set afire by Aunt Bedelia.
  3. Chris Smalley had earlier come upon ML 2 alongside in the Entrance and scrambled aboard with his squad, but in trying to get her forward guns firing he was killed before she was afire and had to be abandoned about 0245 hours.
  4. ML 6, caught in a searchlight, was also hit and afire, and survivors from the two craft drifted down river on rafts, many of them badly wounded - Micky Wynn had lost an eye and been rescued unconscious from the MTB's charthouse.
  5. The whole mill was afire, with sheets of flames!
  6. Afire with interpretation?
  7. Down the pillar of rock, head afire and limbs like ice.
  8. A real tear-jerker, it included lines like: "I saw the pit all afire,
  9. When you can hold or find their interest you are all right, or they are, but if not, hell's afire.
  10. It contained a great hall but was considerably altered following afire in 1871.
  11. credulous old burgher of Windsor in Mr Pickwick's tale contributed to Master Humphrey's Clock , pompous and slow-witted, "one of those people who, being plunged into the Thames, would make no vain efforts to set it afire, but would straightway flop down to the bottom with a deal of gravity, and be highly respected in consequence by all good men".
  12. The folk of these towns and villages took their convicted witches, stood them in pitch-filled barrels and set them afire: in Forres stands a witches' stone, site of such burnings - in thunder, lightning, or in rain?
  13. Confound you, Theda, you have set me afire and I burn !

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