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Перевод: amateurism speek amateurism

дилетантизм ; дилетантство


  1. Suburban commuters, who increasingly formed the bulk of the middle-aged middle classes, were often rather hazy about "the games ethic" and confined the ideal of amateurism to rugby, cricket, or athletics.
  2. My purpose has been to account for the rise and consolidation of amateurism rather than to catalogue its contemporary decline.
  3. The ideology of amateurism discouraged the notion that sport was an appropriate sphere of state activity.
  4. Shelford, part of Mark McCormack's International Management Group which handles the interests of many of the world's top sporting celebrities, has bypassed the laws on amateurism by working for a company whose main activity is the promotion of the All Blacks captain.
  5. Although Haslam's lack of experience was no real handicap at a time when inspired amateurism prevailed, he did not face an easy task.
  6. The Possessed swarms with amateurism and with fooling about and make-believe just as childish as Von Lemke's, but dangerous.
  7. He looked at my pityingly, no doubt thinking that I was succumbing to the English diseases, amateurism and laziness.
  8. Amateurism waned as a set of values for living.
  9. THE All Blacks stepped off their plane at Heathrow yesterday straight into the arms of a waiting posse of officials set on saving Wayne Shelford and New Zealand rugby for amateurism.
  10. Nineteenth-century amateurism has been stood on its head.
  11. That amateurism was both a code of ethics and a system of status was borne out by the fact that "amateur" was often used in conjunction with "gentleman".
  12. The first was the code of amateurism as embodied in public school games; the second was the emergence of suburban recreation.
  13. Amateurism provided a bridge between the old world of aristocratic values and the new one of bourgeois exertion and competitiveness.

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