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Перевод: amorous speek amorous

влюбчивый; влюбленный; любовный; амурный


  1. She sent him one long descriptive prose account, but kept her own poems to herself This exploratory phase of their amorous correspondence was interrupted on 23 June.
  2. No, not amorous: randy - we have a word for that.
  3. In 1977, though, Lord Justice Lawton included in a list of examples of conduct that could amount to constructive dismissal "persistent and unwanted amorous advances by an employer to a female employee".
  4. The Zuwaya did have two relatively specialized kinds of historian: older men tended to make more history than younger ones, and some poets included historical subjects in their repertoire as well as amorous and religious ones.
  5. Hast prisoner held, fett'red in amorous chains,
  6. It is as enjoyable as feeling gently hungry or amorous.
  7. Much more cogent reasons for Ms Brown's correct conviction are to be found in Lady Diana's own words, which I quote from Philip Ziegler's biography and which amply confirms others, just as forceful, that she used to me in the course of our more than 40 years of close friendship: I never responded to his dribbling, dwarfish little amorous singeries.
  8. And it is true that whereas on the whole Pound managed his amorous career with more decorum than Shelley, still the pattern was, so far as we can discern, not very different.
  9. They were not always fair in their criticism: few today would agree with the New Statesman reviewer who wrote of The Lady Vanishes that "the English should leave amorous wisecracking to the nation which invented and alone understands that art."
  10. His wife is a nymphomaniac, with an alarming resemblance to Morticia in The Addams Family, who desperately wants to sink her amorous fangs into two young likely lads about town.
  11. It isn't a lack of the amorous, perhaps, so much as it is a completely different sense of the amorous to that which post-Christian man contains, to that which the likes of Duncan, say, or myself may feel.
  12. I cannot remember our Louis having had an amorous affair, except for an occasional romp in the hay with an attractive little tram-conductress called Cathie.

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