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Перевод: apostate speek apostate

отступник ; богоотступник ; изменник ; изменщик ; вероотступник


  1. Why he was dragged out in 1558 and transformed from an obscure apostate into one of the very few great martyrs of the Scottish Reformation, remains a mystery.
  2. The Donatists in North Africa upheld the ancient image of the church as a gathered lite, a foreign body in the midst of secular society and an apostate church.
  3. Small World, bought by Granada, did reach the viewers but also reviewers who had doubts as large as those of the novelist's most apostate Catholic characters.
  4. They reject the Pauline letters, and "they reject the apostle Paul, calling him an apostate from the Law".
  5. An apostate to its core.
  6. Paisley's religious appeal was based on the claim that orthodox Protestant beliefs were being "downgraded" and that, at the same time, liberal Protestants were actively seeking greater harmony with other apostate denominations, in particular the old enemy of Rome.
  7. As the main churches have become more liberal, Free Presbyterianism emerged to challenge the lack of "real" Protestantism and hence offered an implicit challenge to the fraternal organizations to purify themselves by breaking their ties with the main, and now apostate, denominations.
  8. However much, therefore, we may feel with the later Romantics that Wordsworth was "a political apostate", his social interests will always remain as evidence of his humanity.
  9. The Lanx may have been made to commemorate the visit of Julian the Apostate to the shrine in 363 AD.
  10. All of this meant that Paisley's criticisms of apostasy were being uttered in a considerably more apostate era than the times in which Hunter and Grier had failed to promote their schism.
  11. We can therefore discount his dyspeptic remarks about Coleridge being an apostate.
  12. More than a century later the emperor Julian "the Apostate" was complaining that the Christians look after "not only their own beggars but ours as well".
  13. Leadership in some is weak, unbelieving and in some cases apostate.

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