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Перевод: apprehensiveness



  1. Coexisting with this view of sleep as a benign restorative has been a certain apprehensiveness about it.
  2. But he tempered the apprehensiveness with a shrug-of-theshoulders-and-oh-what-the-hell attitude which told me that in his view the experience, and not the heroics of the impression he might create, was what mattered, was what he would enjoy, was what he had come for.
  3. This was a period of intense isolation, in which he sank into nervous apprehensiveness and paranoia.
  4. To repeat, the association between homosexuality and the sexual lite of a woman is not necessarily insulting to either; it is only that Mailer's denigrating version of it forewarns of the crassness of the version of sexual difference which constitutes both the origin and horizon of his vision, and once again indicates an intense apprehensiveness in the face of imagined male passivity, and the way it is oft en conceived in terms of a denigrated and denigrating femininity at once utterly alien to yet strangely inherent within the male.
  5. Detecting them is just the beginning of a process in which only slowly, and with considerable backsliding, one becomes aware of the multiple ways in which they manifest themselves as evasiveness, defensiveness, spikiness, apprehensiveness and so on.

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