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Перевод: ascribable speek ascribable

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  1. It is surely a powerful confirmation of his underlying concern with tragedy throughout the whole of 1871 that in this period we find, again and again, lengthy drafts and preliminary studies for one part or other of BT, but no other sizeable fragments ascribable to a large book about Greece and falling outside the actual book's eventual range.
  2. Not a classic illustration of the thesis of Aggleton and colleagues, who have been looking at the lifespans of cricketers and report a two-year gap in favour of right-handers, much of it ascribable to fewer deaths in accidents or in war.
  3. " Learning is a change in human disposition or capability which can be retained, and which is not simply ascribable to the process of growth."
  4. A property which was neither helping - as a qualifier forming part of the same noun phrase - to identify that entity, nor ascribable to any entity within the sentence, and which was not simply adverbially qualifying the verb, would have no convincing reason for appearing in the sentence at all.
  5. The ability to formulate original thoughts, as well as the opportunity to put these into effect, both demand several other qualities, personal as well as situational, that may be partially or completely independent of those that might be ascribable to "psychotic" modes of thinking.

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