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Перевод: auscultation speek auscultation

выслушивание; аускультация


  1. Auscultation of the precordium detected a loud fixed split second heart sound in the left upper parasternal area and a II/VI diastolic decrescendo murmur.
  2. Continuous cardiotocography is more restricting than intermittent auscultation, although the method of fetal monitoring is less important to women than the support they receive from staff or companions.
  3. These generate paper traces that show additional features not obvious on auscultation, including the degree of variation of the heart rate and the shape of accelerations and decelerations of the heart rate.
  4. The study physician also recorded respiratory rate, pulse, temperature, central cyanosis, chest retractions, grunting, nasal flaring, wheezing, crepitations or rhonchi on auscultation, and the state of consciousness.
  5. In the last century some asphyxiated babies were noted to have abnormally fast - or slow - heart rates, and auscultation evolved as a component of intrapartum care.
  6. In a normal labour intermittent auscultation with a Pinard stethoscope could not be regarded as an inadequate or negligent form of assessment.
  7. Auscultation would reveal dyspnoea, rich in rales, also tachypnoea, suggesting mediastinal crunch.
  8. Frequently, squeaks and crackles over the posterior lung lobes are heard on auscultation.
  9. When compared with intermittent auscultation alone continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring doubled rates of caesarean section for "fetal distress" even when it was complemented by selective fetal blood sampling and pH estimation; the rate was quadrupled when monitoring was used alone.
  10. A compromise in current favour is the admission cardiotocography test followed by intermittent auscultation and cardiotocography.
  11. Examination of the chest was unremarkable with no evidence of hyperinflation and clear auscultation.

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