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Перевод: automobile speek automobile

самодвижущийся; автомобильный;
автомашина ; автомобиль


  1. And as the individual thinks, so, in more general terms, does the larger community: the decline of Britain's automobile industry to the point where imports exceeded exports became the measure of the country's fall from a place in the industrial front rank.
  2. NIGEL MANSELL last night emerged the moral victor in his battle with the International Automobile Federation (FIA) even though an appeal court in Paris had not rescinded the decision to ban the Englishman from last Sunday's Spanish Grand Prix.
  3. Castlebar is only about twenty miles from here and Mr Durkin's automobile can do twenty-five miles an hour."
  4. The severity of the depression was highlighted this week by the decision of the Automobile Association to pull out of the retail package holiday market, creating 400 redundancies.
  5. Yesterday, the union claimed the first jobs casualty of the base rate rise - the Automobile Association's announcement of 500 job losses, in the wake of the company's decision to pull out of the air package holiday business.
  6. There he had stared in amazement as Durkin came chugging up the drive in a cloud of black smoke, driving that wonder of the age, an automobile.
  7. School of Business and Industrial Management course at the Royal Automobile Club, London SW1.
  8. Clearly drivers want motoring to be cheaper, but the largest motoring organisation, the Automobile Association, puts forward strong environmental proposals in its budget submission.
  9. The Japanese Automobile Dealers Association says new car sales slumped 4.5 per cent over January 1990 to 474,160 units.
  10. After a few months however, Mr Wilson had been recalled to London as the head of his company had been tragically killed in an automobile accident.
  11. If a man can't afford to go by automobile, and if he is content with eating and architecture, the world's best (as I have known it) is afoot from Poitiers, from Brives, from Perigord or Limoges.
  12. The chief stylist at General Motors, Harvey Earl, paid a visit to an air force base where, seeing the new twin-tailed fighters, he was inspired to "intuit" the automobile shape of the future - twin tail fins.
  13. The number of male drivers killed in road accidents rose by 25 per cent in the first quarter of 1990, a fact blamed by the Automobile Association on increasingly aggressive driving by men.

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