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Перевод: calyx speek calyx

чашечка цветка; чашечка ; чашевидная полость


  1. A very old form with the calyx (the green leafy parts surrounding the flower) much enlarged to form a ruff in which the flower sits.
  2. Detailed classification of the crinoids is based principally on the way the calcite plates are arranged on the calyx with the number and branching patterns of the arms, the external sculpture on the calyx, and important internal features of the cup connected with the nervous and respiratory systems.
  3. Food grooves in the arms channel the food to the mouth, which lies in the centre of the calyx.
  4. A single primrose with a distorted and swollen calyx.
  5. Rather like a Jackanapes, but with the colour in the calyx running around the edge like a frill.
  6. The variation was in the so-called "moss" on sepals, calyx and flower stalk; a unique characteristic and source of the name.
  7. Stem, calyx, and arms are all made of calcite plates.
  8. Another delightful, old form in which the calyx has mutated into a flower so that one flower sits inside another.
  9. The main part of the animal consists of a cup (or calyx ) to which the stalk is attached at its upper end, and from the top of the calyx stretch long arms, which are five in number or more usually a multiple of five.
  10. A rare form of Jack in the Green in which the calyx is striped along its length with the same colour as the flower.
  11. The stems are often common fossils, even when the calyx cannot be found - many of the "crinoidal limestones" are composed largely of stem debris.

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