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Перевод: decamp speek decamp

сниматься с лагеря; выступать из лагеря; скрываться; удирать


  1. As for those localised unions with no such connections, it was not an uncommon experience for the organiser to decamp with the members' subscriptions.
  2. They all decamp to Karen Farnan's in Wiltshire Lane.
  3. They would have houses or lodgings down the coast, and the families would decamp to Largs or Argyll until the weather broke.
  4. Is Queenie Warley suggesting that our council tenants should decamp up to the north of England?
  5. The blast has led to concern that the bank might be forced to decamp to another set of temporary premises - its third resting place in the 18 months it has been in existence - although this now seems unlikely.
  6. The Majors themselves could decamp straight to Huntingdon (though a London billet would also be needed).
  7. Much energy-intensive industry would then decamp to the third world.
  8. The eventual aim is find out whether engineered genes render a crop plant more aggressive than its traditional relatives - and more likely to decamp from cultivation.
  9. Accusations of a "personal crusade" and threats that the industry would decamp abroad are measures of how threatened the industry feels.
  10. When the time comes to move to a new territory, the nest dissolves and its residents decamp, taking their herds with them ( German Research , 2/91, pp4-;7).
  11. On the return train journey to Sunderland, they were told that a group of journalists were waiting at Sunderland station, forcing the two players to decamp at Durham and sneak home via the back door.

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