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Перевод: declarative speek declarative

декларативный; повествовательный


  1. A declarative programming language is one which can accept statements of relationships or rules for relationships contrasting with more traditional languages which encompass only step by step logic.
  2. ICL's parallel engine will effectively productise work that has been going on since 1989 under the auspices of a European Community Esprit II project known as the European Declarative System, EDS.
  3. The proposal of the attitude theory of ethics is that there is; another class of declarative statements which express so-called attitudes, in just the sense in which straight declarative factual statements express beliefs.
  4. However, its calculatedly oblique and enigmatic avoiding of a direct statement - a withholding made all the more tantalizing in that it includes no less than eighteen declarative verb forms - could have a remarkably powerful effect if we imagine it being read by the person whose unnatural behaviour it describes.
  5. A prototype of the database server was developed by ICL, Groupe Bull SA, Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG and associates under the European Community-backed Esprit II European Declarative System (EDS) project.
  6. That leaves open the possibility, however, that some declarative sentences or statements are not factual and express something other than beliefs.
  7. Technically the task of the programme designer is made easier by the use of training skills and declarative programming languages.
  8. (By a statement he means roughly a declarative sentence as used, or as it might be used, on some particular occasion, so that indicator words like "I"" this' and "now" are given a definite reference.)
  9. It seems, then, that sentences which are not declarative cannot express anything in the sense in which factual statements do.
  10. The system's linguistic knowledge is expressed by means of declarative rules and lexical entries.
  11. syntactic control of active declarative sentences;
  12. Justification is, as I have said, a declarative doctrine that we are sons and daughters of a heavenly Father.

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