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Перевод: degrade speek degrade

деградировать; разрушать; приходить в упадок; вырождаться; понижать; снижать; уменьшать; разжаловать; унижать; низводить на низшую ступень; унизиться; ослаблять интенсивность тона; размывать


  1. I even want you to abuse and degrade me.
  2. Such knowledge is an experience which words can degrade.
  3. These microorganisms may use either aerobic or anaerobic pathways to degrade compounds, with the final products being CO2, small organic compounds such as methane or organic acids, or water soluble microbial products.
  4. He was far too much of a gentleman to degrade any woman.
  5. He couldn't remember ever being given much chance to degrade her.
  6. In general, relatively simple compounds, such as short chain hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols and other small molecules, are relatively easy to degrade, while larger and more highly substituted compounds are more difficult.
  7. Indigenous microorganisms are now used in above-ground batch reactors, but commercial blends are being used to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons.
  8. The advantages of Bt toxins are obvious: not only are they natural proteins that readily degrade in the environment, but they are highly specific for crop-destroying caterpillars (Lepidoptera), flies (Diptera), or beetles and weevils (Coleoptera); they do not harm vertebrates.
  9. "I certainly don't degrade Neighbours and I know that I owe Charlene everything.
  10. The process usually involves the stimulation of indigenous subsurface microorganisms to degrade chemicals on-site, although there have been cases in which microorganisms with some specialised metabolic capabilities have been added.
  11. "It won't degrade them, my dear, it will"
  12. Just don't expect it to do anything fancy like lift off the arm at the end of the record; such mechanisms usually degrade the sound, and are best avoided.
  13. But there is no way I would support those who degrade it.

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