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Перевод: delicious speek delicious

восхитительный; прелестный; очень вкусный; приятный


  1. Delicious cooked on the barbecue - serve with Ricethings for a great tasting meal
  2. Far better, then, not to plant the worthless white mulberry, but rather to take the king's money and plant instead the almost identical black mulberry, Morus nigra , which since Roman times had borne delicious crops of long, purple fruit.
  3. There was one moment when someone proposed "I think we should have a facilitator for this bit," and we just listened and passed it by, on with our own journey into the delicious unknown."
  4. "Then I shall cook you something delicious.
  5. Their Chicken Kiev is delicious, and as for their garlic bread fabulous!
  6. The resulting dish, which appears on page 49, sounds filling rather than delicious, and should in no circumstances be flipped.
  7. I scoffed it down and found to my astonishment that it was delicious.
  8. We're always told we are what we eat, and Springs provides delicious healthy cuisine with that in mind.
  9. All is fresh, local and utterly delicious.
  10. Mr Lavery said his would be delicious, and that you can't over-fertilise a pumpkin, or it wilts.
  11. Moist, delicious and simple to make, this orange Madeira cake is drenched in a warm honey syrup after baking.
  12. Simple, quick, delicious.
  13. Try this delicious quick dessert: unroll a bought chocolate swiss roll.

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