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Перевод: democratize speek democratize



  1. In accordance with his wish to democratize the independence movement, on May 15 the Tibetan People's Deputies (a parliament-in-exile) for the first time elected the three-member Cabinet hitherto appointed by the Dalai Lama.
  2. In their final declaration they undertook to democratize further our societies and consolidate democratic institutions in our countries.
  3. Democratize utilities, involving con consumers, trade unions and the government.
  4. Lindon Harrisson's work tackling the problems our young people face and the ongoing work of David Martin to democratize the European Community institutions.
  5. In the latter, the school which sets out to democratize education in its geographical or moral area (that is, in a context of those who share beliefs and values) or to enable more people to help themselves, brings with it a set of beliefs which go beyond the Plowden idea of the community making use of the physical amenities of a primary school.
  6. Similarly in Britain all the major parties changed their voting procedures in the 1960s and 1970s either to democratize leadership succession for the first time (in the Conservative party) or to broaden the franchise used to select leaders away from MPs to include party organizations outside Parliament (in the case of Labour and the Liberals).
  7. But this philosophical disposition also tends to be harnessed to a political orientation which seeks to democratize political institutions and is supportive of reforms pioneered through social legislation.
  8. There were efforts to democratize school management structures, encouraged by the establishment of communal villages and co-operatives.
  9. Few historians, admittedly, have sought to criticize the attempt to democratize a country so clearly and grossly racked by inequality, though most have quite reasonably stressed the unavoidable difficulties that such an attempt posed.

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