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Перевод: denature speek denature

изменять естественные св`ойства; денатурировать


  1. In all cases, except where specifically allowed by the belt manufacturer, solvent based cleaners, alkalis and acids should be avoided as they may denature the belting substance.
  2. This results in a failure to activate pepsinogen to pepsi and so denature proteins.
  3. Other important investigations were carried out by Phillips alone into the determination of alcoholic strength and the use of methyl alcohol to denature ethanol.
  4. It may be that the oleoresins of the dipterocarps have an effect on the bacteria of the fore-stomach of colobines and it is now necessary to study the interaction of these bacteria with fibre and the wide range of tannins, some of which shield protein from degradation in the fore-stomach, or denature them so as to enhance proteolysis.
  5. Pushkin eating cherries before a duel; Lenin working day in day out on Iskra; one sentence or a newspaper (the point is of course, not one without the other); Benjamin on the requirement to denature your work "like ethyl alcohol" lest it be of use to the other side.
  6. Television, it should be remembered, can conserve and celebrate just as it can abbreviate and denature.

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