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Перевод: denunciatory speek denunciatory

обвинительный; угрожающий; выражающий угрозу;
открытое обличение


  1. The Duke turned Friar in Measure for Measure cultivates at least two different prose-styles, a plain and business-like one for his benevolent deceptions, and that of a moralist disappointed with the world - a persona within which he can also rise to more serious denunciatory verse as the occasion warrants (for verse within this prose role see III.ii. 19-;39; 261-;82; IV.ii. 108-;13).
  2. This is often linked with a supposed denunciatory effect - the idea that the mandatory life sentence denounces murder as emphatically as possible - and with a supposed general deterrent effect, in declaring that there is no mitigation of sentence available for this crime.
  3. In May New Forum demanded that people be given access to their personal files, but Peter-Michael Diestel, then Internal Affairs Minister, said on May 16 that he opposed such a move as he did not want to spread a denunciatory atmosphere in society again.
  4. The claim is therefore that denunciatory punishment is justified even if it has no good consequences such as educating the public conscience and thereby reducing the amount of crime.
  5. So punishment is not primarily deterrent or reformative; it is produced by collective retributive emotions and has a useful denunciatory effect.
  6. His carefully chosen materials created an air of menace even without the denunciatory graffiti.

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