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Перевод: department speek department

отдел ; отделение; цех ; департамент ; министерство; ведомство; факультет ; войсковой округ; военный округ; отрасль ; область ; сектор


  1. At the heart of the Conservative Party is its research Department, and at the heart of that department was its library.
  2. Roles of the corporate planning department in the planning process
  3. When Lord Waddington moved to the Home Office, Mr Patten was invited to become Minister of the Arts, with his own department.
  4. This much is an advance, but whether they have the stomach to take on the power industry and the Department of Energy remains to be seen.
  5. Further details may be obtained from the Professional Affairs Department, Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0BN.
  6. According to Rupert Sutcliffe, the most senior member of the Department, and its most pertinacious gossip, there was a time not so long ago when Philip Swallow was for ever swanning around the globe on some conference jaunt or other.
  7. Nevertheless, to receive their Urban Programme funding, they had to produce an annual programme for submission to the Department of the Environment.
  8. If you are elderly and need minor works done to assist you to stay in your home, or to live with a relative, the Environmental Health Department have grants for Assistance with Minor Works to Dwellings.
  9. In October Tacoma was host to the first North American conference on needle exchanges; the participants studied European programmes, including one in Wales where the chemist's department of a supermarket serves as a needle-exchange centre.
  10. An equally effective screen would cost at least 1 60000/km, according to the Department of Transport.
  11. SAVE had meanwhile expressed its concern to the Department of the Environment and received an intimation that the ministers might consider serving an enforcement notice if the local authority demurred.
  12. In these sections the existence of "non-standard families" is explicitly acknowledged and the youth department is, for instance, charged with the responsibility of providing a counselling service to divorcing couples (s. 17) focused on the needs of the children which will eventually become obligatory in divorce procedures.
  13. Grants for their counterparts in Scotland are administered by the Scottish Education Department.

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