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Перевод: departmental speek departmental

ведомственный; разделенный на округа


  1. There is a very sound reason for this in that depreciation is not a cash item and is one over which the departmental manager has little control.
  2. Other registers and sources, such as departmental file cards and reports, can be used to enhance a basic level of data so that it truly constitutes information and, as such, is useful for the production of books, catalogues and as a research tool.
  3. Additionally, the board could request a city departmental chief to answer questions about any relevant neighbourhood problem.
  4. The consultation paper from the DES (under whose departmental umbrella the group currently resides) will set out four options for the future of the group.
  5. But its last effort - the Department of Economic Affairs, set up by Harold Wilson and headed by George Brown - ended in futile departmental and ministerial infighting.
  6. The senior departmental heads were familiar with their systems and experienced in detecting and preventing errors, both deliberate and accidental.
  7. The assumption was that the creation of larger authorities (with larger budgets) would attract less parochial (more managerial) councillors and also make it possible to attract a different sort of officer, less tied to the narrowness of existing departmental boundaries with a management style closer to that of the major corporations in the private sector.
  8. "The foreman is out to get him" was the expression making the departmental rounds.
  9. The council, which includes Huddersfield and Dewsbury, is making five departmental directors and the assistant chief executive redundant.
  10. This initiative will be led by the Department of Health and Community Care and by a new Cabinet committee that will cut through departmental boundaries.
  11. But she has remained suspicious of departmental lines which resist changes, and her doubts about the Foreign Office have remained.
  12. Departmental committees do not have autonomous decision making powers the vast majority of amendments are of minor importance and the major ones are usually initiated by the government or the Bundesrat (the Council of Lander Ministers).
  13. Unfortunately nowadays every departmental minister has to be a secretary of state, just as every unimportant diplomatic station has to be an embassy.

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