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Перевод: diaper speek diaper

узорчатое полотно; полотенце из узорчатого полотна; салфетка из узорчатого полотна; пеленка ; подгузник ; ромбовидный узор;
украшать ромбовидным узором; завертывать в пеленки; пеленать


  1. And when he'd finished and been weighed again and she'd changed his diaper and put it in the special container to go away for the chemical analysis - And a nasty old job that must be to do!
  2. I thought, somewhere down there is a shitty diaper.
  3. I had an idea that if I dropped this diaper when we unloaded our bombs, it might help some mother.
  4. A diaper design was then card-wired on to the shell using a template and a straight-edge.
  5. Swift introduced Diaper to his circle where he was taken up by Henry St John, first Viscount Bolingbroke, and Sir William Wyndham qq.v..
  6. a tile-hung front at Oakley Station, west of Basingstoke; knapped flint at Trowse, by Norwich; Midland brick on the Syston and Peterborough line, at Brooksby, Oakham, Manton pretty Broseley tiles to enliven the waiting-room at Shrub Hill station in Worcester; the diaper of blue bricks (a local speciality) on red in the North Staffordshire's Elizabethan stations; fierce and unrelieved Accrington brick at Bolton, and elsewhere up and down Lancashire.
  7. , William (1685-;1717), poet, was born in 1685 in Bridgwater, Somerset, the son of Joseph Diaper.
  8. Diaper may have taken another cure in Crick, Northamptonshire, and by March 1713-;14 was serving in Dean, near Basingstoke.
  9. Diaper was ordained deacon in Wells on 19 June 1709, and served subsequently as curate in Brent in the same diocese.
  10. Similarly, the three-light windows below pointed arches and the brickwork of the otherwise plain gables is relieved by a diaper pattern formed in "header" bricks of contrasting colour.
  11. Swift was soon appointed dean of St Patrick's in Dublin, though he assured Diaper: "I will move Heaven and Earth that something may be done for you."
  12. "But this is what really gets at me: when we started our run in, and I picked up the diaper, I found it was already stained.
  13. It sounds crazy to think some Jap mother might see a diaper floating down out of the sky lit up by flares and fires and grab it to put on her crying baby.

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