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Перевод: dichotomize speek dichotomize

делить на две части; делиться на две части


  1. It may perhaps have been valid in the past to dichotomize theoretical stances into endogenous (formulated in terms of what is natural to humans) and exogenous (formulated in terms of sociocultural factors) (Heelas 1983); but many biologists today think that there is a built-in capacity for change through learning capable of giving directive impulses for change.
  2. In order to answer the question, dichotomize the response variable and present the table in proportional terms.
  3. This tendency to dichotomize policemen against the social reformer even led the ex-police liberal John Alderson uncharacteristically to describe the historian E. P. Thompson as being "an unfair critic of the police" (Public Office , Granada TV, 20 June 1980); and this at a time when Thompson (1980) had just pointed out that most policemen are "ordinary blokes, and no society could do without them in dealing with many of its sordid realities".
  4. It is because the attender is unobservable and can only be inferred from retrospective description that mental experiencing includes a strong tendency to dichotomize the "I" (attender) from the "me" (self-description); a dichotomy that parallels that between "I" and my body.
  5. Oh, I don't think you could clearly dichotomize and say it was one thing or the other.
  6. While some capitalist societies may practise an extreme individualism, it is surely only a Romantic tendency to dichotomize which denies the possibility of this characteristic to all other societies.

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