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Перевод: disallow speek disallow

отказывать; отвергать; не признавать; запрещать


  1. Since the Piaroa totally disallow physical violence, and children are never physically punished, the children have no model of such action.
  2. The sceptical arguments which would have this effect all require a move which the anti-realist would disallow, and hence never reach the annihilating conclusion.
  3. Members must have been trading in the UK for at least two years and must disclose their turnover and profits - lack of profits are not a bar to membership however, he added, because "we would hate to disallow the big international business machine companies".
  4. It is prima facie evidence, but I disallow it," he said.
  5. The Lord Chancellor will be given power to make rules allowing magistrates to disallow a solicitor's costs or order him to pay costs if he fails to act reasonably competently or expeditiously.
  6. Foucault adopts a strategy, obviously indebted to Bachelard, designed to restore the otherness that History by definition must disallow: he produces an account of epistemic shifts, with prior epistemes presented as altogether estranged from the present.
  7. An NMFS regulation brought into force in January 1981 to disallow night sets by US boats was dropped after only 8 days because of pressure from the tuna industry.
  8. Referees seem incapable of deciding whether a fast, controlled snap punch to the face has scored or not, and they generally disallow them.
  9. The Bank would require 5 to be written off at the time of sale and if the 5 was not injected as cash on day one, would even disallow the sale treatment.
  10. So we say "Of course the cat believes the ball is stuck - it is conscious, its eyes work, why else would it behave as it does?" but disallow that it might have the belief " that it believes the ball is stuck", this being linguistic (Kenny 1975: 5).
  11. It seems to me quite arbitrary to disallow man-made machines this ability, when it is accepted that men are machines, and that such an unknown machine as a Martian may also perceive meanings.
  12. We would disallow any involving the mediation of language, including, of course, the belief that it believes.
  13. But a proposed clause in the new act to disallow for quota any film of low standard of production and entertainment value was dropped because of the difficulties involved in determining which films should be excluded.

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