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Перевод: dishcloth speek dishcloth

кухонное полотенце; посудное полотенце; тряпка для мытья посуды


  1. Typically stockinette is used as a dishcloth and for most general cleaning purposes.
  2. like a dishcloth and a bike ride to Moelfre
  3. He looked like a badly washed dishcloth.
  4. As the narrator explained that "Jane would soon have to move on", because she was reaching the limit of her maximum stay in the council-owned hostel, we watched her rinse the sink, wipe the draining board and hang up the dishcloth.
  5. It was like an old dishcloth by the time I was finished.
  6. Dodging the hurled dishcloth he slipped through the door, leaving me to sip my coffee and breathe in the sweet smells of home.
  7. There are potentially more germs on a dishcloth than there are in an average pedal bin - so disinfect cloths regularly.
  8. IF YOU hold a dishcloth, a towel or a capillary tube with its lower end just touching a container of water it will draw up water until an equilibrium is reached.
  9. What is the germ count on a day-old dishcloth? a) 250,000 germs b) 620,000 germs
  10. Like a wrung-out dishcloth
  11. "You speak to me?" said Luigi, flicking his dishcloth like the tail of a bull.
  12. Also make sure your food hygiene efforts are not wasted by forgetting to deal with the biggest culprit of all - the dishcloth.
  13. He don't clear mine even though I'm finished, but when he goes past I ask if I can have a lend of his dishcloth to wipe my fingers.

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