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Перевод: disloyal speek disloyal

нелояльный; вероломный; предательский


  1. She wants to stay forever she's, she's disloyal."
  2. Protestants who should have known better paid tribute to the Antichrist, the spiritual leader of the disloyal Catholics.
  3. Disloyal Catholics did not fly the Union Jack.
  4. "I'm feeling disloyal.
  5. She took the opportunity despite the fact that many of her colleagues let her know that they judged her disloyal.
  6. Although rarely defined, it is often on the lips of the members, so that the phrase, "I don't want to seem disloyal, but" will often preface even the mildest internal criticism of any of the systems of policing.
  7. "Disloyal to letter boxes," I said to myself and went down the passage where I could laugh without being heard.
  8. Are they seen as disloyal and personal attacks on you and the school, or are they seen as growth points for development and marketing?
  9. Emile Littler was a much younger producer of rival pantomimes; feeling more than a little disloyal, Mr Smith wrote to him in desperation suggesting that he might be interested in his dancers.
  10. Mr Laurel shares the Nacionalista Party leadership with the even more disloyal former Defence Minister, Mr Juan Ponce Enrile.
  11. I cannot send this letter because I am always watched and I must never be a disloyal German."
  12. Horribly disloyal.
  13. To lead in all the polls as the favoured candidate for the Tory succession, to persuade your own party that you offer a distinctive viewpoint without being in any way overtly disloyal, to convince even the cynics of the Press that you pose a realistic alternative to the present leadership - no phenomenon like it has been seen in British politics for 50 years.

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