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Перевод: dismal speek dismal

гнетущий; мрачный; невыразительный; унылый; безотрадный; печальный; угрюмый; слабый


  1. As this wall faces north the sun seldom shines on any of these, a dismal fact for gardeners working in them but usual for old kitchen gardens where every inch of warm south-facing ground was wanted for crops.
  2. For all that, it was a dismal phase in the chequered history of postwar Britain.
  3. He ushered her into a dismal canteen with strip lighting, Formica-topped tables and moulded plastic stacking chairs.
  4. Dismal woman, Briant thought and dismissed her too from his mind, turning his head again to look at the people in front of him.
  5. Up in the desolate Arctic region of Vorkuta, site of perhaps Stalin's most infamous Gulag camp, miners in nine of the area's 13 pits have been on strike for more than a week against dismal living conditions, and the bureaucracy of the Communist Party and Soviet government.
  6. But the studio's recent record of new releases has been dismal.
  7. The emotion roused by the murder of a policeman in late 1985 during racial disturbances at Broadwater Farm, a dismal sixties high-rise housing estate in Tottenham, north London, confirmed much public endorsement of the role of the police in a public-order capacity.
  8. Donald Maclean's wife Melinda joined her husband in Moscow but soon found life bleak and dismal.
  9. But the Saddam effect has emptied some hotels, crippled others, and brought predictions of dismal earnings this year.
  10. Two economies are tipped to enjoy significantly faster growth than in 1990: Iceland (3.4%, compared with a decline of 0.1% in 1990) and New Zealand where GNP is forecast to "surge" by 1.5%, after a dismal annual average of 0.3% during the past five years.
  11. But this was the only positive outcome of an otherwise peculiarly negative and dismal phase, even by the standards of Northern Irish history.
  12. For even at the generally modest level of competition that Beckenham offers, the British are shown to be dismal failures.
  13. Old enough, certainly, to brood upon things, and too young to make much sense of the sights and sounds he must have seen in this dismal little room.

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