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Перевод: dissect speek dissect

рассекать; анатомировать; вскрывать; препарировать; разбирать критически; анализировать


  1. But it is possible to dissect most crises and examine each component in turn.
  2. Using only his whole hand, he had to dissect his dumpling with the edge of the fork.
  3. Noble had been allowed to dissect the last of Kammerer's nuptial pad specimens (the rest had been destroyed some years earlier in a fire).
  4. Dissect a Prude with wond'rous Art,
  5. The assembly divided itself into five committees and 26 sub-committees to dissect the 131 draft proposals it has received.
  6. For several weeks, Tobias Beventini had found it impossible to speak of the apprentice he had chosen to follow, to dissect, to guide, in a medical way, towards the real, adult world.
  7. An example of increasing learning is to dissect sheep's kidneys.
  8. Today in France, the Koran is the flavour of the day as "specialists" dissect its verses and explain the mysteries of Islam to the lay masses.
  9. Then you dissect the results in order to draw some conclusions for taking countermeasures.
  10. Chilling excerpts of lab experiments, and military and environmental exploits showed how these men probe, detect and dissect in order to "understand".
  11. In addition, further pulses of volts can be used to dissect the molecule or to remove it altogether.
  12. Instructions on how to dissect the organ must be given and guidance as to the parts the learner is to identify, draw, describe etc., based on the objectives.
  13. He is not allowed to dissect the fossils, though, since they are at present irreplaceable.

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