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Перевод: dolomite speek dolomite

доломит ; горький шпат


  1. Pore types in the Z1 Carbonate of Aabenraa-l, southern Denmark: (A) Core slab of a vuggy packstone, showing vugs and enlarged fractures (scale bar 2 cm); (B) Photomicrograph of a vug lined with corroded dolomite crystals (scale bar 0.5 mm); (C) SEM photomicrograph of a corroded dolomite crystal from the periphery of a vug.
  2. The porosity of these rocks is made up predominantly of intercrystalline voids (Fig. 22c) formed by the selective corrosion and removal of dolomite crystals and the observed porosities and permeabilities typically range from 10-;30% and 1-;100 mD, respectively (Fig. 23).
  3. A small amount of intra-crystalline porosity was also formed at the same time by corrosion and removal of the centres of some dolomite crystals (Fig. 10).
  4. This phase was characterised by a series of events, the more important of which included: cementation and replacement by anhydrite, which accompanied the dehydration of adjacent gypsum formations to anhydrite; leaching and calcitisation of dolomite in response to decarboxylation of organic matter (late leaching); and cementation and replacement by halite, triggered by mobilisation of underlying salt deposits (Fig. 5).
  5. The spectacular Dolomite mountains is another memorable day out, and a trip to the great wine growing area of Valpolicella is a favourite.
  6. In most cases, late leaching was accompanied by the calcitisation of dolomite and secondary limestones are normally found together with the porous dolomites (Figs. 21, 22, 23 and 24; Clark 1980a).
  7. These may be dissolved during core preparation and analysis to produce an anomalous vuggy porosity (scale bar 0.2 mm in B, and 1 mm in C) (D) Porous dolomite that has been compacted around patches of replacement anhydrite from Tnder-2 (scale bar 1 mm); (E) SEM photomicrograph of corroded crystals from the porous dolomite illustrated in Fig. 29d, showing both intercrystalline and intracrystalline porosity (scale divisions 10 microns).
  8. This has corroded and removed dolomite crystals to form an excellent porosity composed of both intercrystalline and intracrystalline voids (Fig. 29d).
  9. Pore types in carbonate mudstones of the Z2 Carbonate: (A) Polished slab showing nodules of secondary limestone set in a matrix of porous dolomite (scale bar 3 cm); (B) Photomicrograph of a porous dolomite which has been compacted around nodules of secondary limestone (scale bar 4 mm); (C) Photomicrograph of a porous dolomite showing a well-developed intercrystalline porosity (scale bar 0.5 mm).
  10. This process enlarged the intraskeletal pores and fractures and selectively removed crystals of dolomite to form intercrystalline pores.

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