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Перевод: dotage speek dotage

старческое слабоумие; слабоумие; обожание; слепая любовь


  1. Roget's Thesaurus , a classic English text which seeks to arrange words "according to the ideas which they express", describes old age by such nouns as "senility, grey hairs, climacteric, declining years, decrepitude, hoary age, caducity, superannuation, second childhood, dotage, decline of life" and, even more graphically, by the adjectives "senile, run to seed, declining, waning, past one's prime, grey, hoary, venerable, time-worn, antiquated, doddering, decrepit, superannuated, stricken in years, wrinkled, having one foot in the grave."
  2. The pair of you could live here and look after me in my dotage."
  3. After three weeks, during which time it became clear she might be in her dotage before she mastered the Warsaw Concerto, she'd given it up.
  4. "Or perhaps too much," laughed Susan, who was looking beautiful despite her pallor and the fact that her blue frock was practically in its dotage.
  5. We all need to work at forgiveness and acceptance right into our dotage.
  6. In fact the 3000 MkIII had gone the way of many a sports car in its dotage and started to take on a softer aspect.
  7. If it is crystal clear and I am convicted of being in my dotage or of going on at half-cock then I shall ask British Telecom to accept my apologies wince at the thought of my next bill, and keep my nose clean.
  8. A glance at the shelf containing his long list of books shows us immediately that the bulk of his work was completed when Minto was in her dotage or after she died.
  9. "Poppa, you're not even within trotting distance of your dotage.
  10. In our dotage, we may find
  11. Many portraits of Wordsworth and Coleridge exist, though unfortunately Dorothy was only painted in her dotage.
  12. For while Hare was playing out his dotage, the backroom was at work.
  13. It is as though they could not wait to sink into a dotage spent in permanent contemplation of their childhood.

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