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Перевод: drank

#past от drink


  1. Yes, he did commit suicide on that bridge but he drank from a bottle of lysol which would mean a swift but painful end.
  2. The producer's girlfriend kept getting John on to the dance floor, and the more John drank, the more intolerant he became of her.
  3. I had always imagined that when I finally lost my virginity, it would be for the same reason I smoked and drank, because it would have seemed unsophisticated not to.
  4. You name it, I drank it."
  5. She sniffed dolefully, and drank again.
  6. Yet another master meal was prepared by le chef , Pete, and we ate and drank, and watched an incredible show of lights, all of it free and just for us.
  7. Although they again found no difference between subjects given no pre-exposure and those exposed to a variety of flavours, interpretation of this finding is rendered equivocal by the fact that the two groups drank different amounts of the CS flavour on the conditioning trial.
  8. We ate quails' eggs, drank Star Tiger, swam in the warm sea floating from sun into shade and back again under trailing vines.
  9. Donald drank.
  10. As the bard repeated the welcome to the cheering crowd, Lachlan, Hector and all the rest drank to the health of young Eachuinn Og.
  11. If somebody went to a party and drank 12 units of alcohol (far more than he should have) it will take about eight hours before blood alcohol is even approaching the legal limit.
  12. They drank less and saved instead of gambling away their earnings.
  13. I then drank double brandies until I could not walk

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