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Перевод: dredge speek dredge

землечерпалка ; драга ; экскаватор ; сеть для вылавливания устриц; взвесь ; худшая часть руды;
драгировать; производить дноуглубительные работы; углублять; ловить устриц сетью; посыпать


  1. After roots (and a winter fallow), instead of barley I prefer to grow a dredge mixture of oats, barley, rye, and peas undersown to a herbal ley to be fed on the straw to young cattle in early winter.
  2. That I'd dredge up to dress my "count
  3. He gathered rocks, but found a dredge such as the Hudson's to be a crude sampling tool.
  4. There the Lord Chancellor endorsed the rights of "free inhabitants of ancient messuages" in Saltash to dredge for oysters between Candlemas (February 2nd) and Easter each year, as they had "from time immemorial", the fishermen's triumph over the Corporation is commemorated by a plaque on the "Wheatsheaf".
  5. Innes, Dredge and Graves were all ex-253 Squadron, having gained respectively two and two shared, two and one shared, and one victory.
  6. Ophiuroids are especially abundant in deep sea environments, and it is unusual for a deep sea dredge to miss one of these small animals.
  7. Sindy bleeped in confusion and went to dredge the supplies' cupboards.
  8. A dredge chugging around the Cornish coastline will suck up, with equipment resembling a giant vacuum cleaner, the mining waste that previous generations of tin miners have allowed to flow out to sea in streams and rivers.
  9. I can't imagine what would prompt this woman to dredge it all up if there wasn't some truth in it.
  10. It was the availability of local steel and the advent of steam power that gave Glasgow the incentive to dredge and widen the river in order to transform its few old boatyards into one of the world's great shipbuilding centres.
  11. Dredge crashed Z3057 on the airfield in flames and suffered severe burns; Plt.Off.
  12. A Tyrolean fence is most suitable for drying dredge crops (see Figure 12).
  13. Although care should be taken to choose varieties that ripen more or less at the same time to avoid losses, dredge mixtures are generally cut green and dried like hay to be fed "on the straw" or made into silage.

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