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Перевод: dribble speek dribble

ручеек ; капля ; моросящий дождь; капанье; вед`ение мяча;
лить по капле; капать; пускать слюни; гнать шар в лузу; вести мяч


  1. Dribble down to your local video stockist for your official Football League videos.
  2. They might dribble.
  3. Nomish sense of smell is sharper than a fox's; it was all Masklin could do not to dribble.
  4. The value of equity can dribble gradually away with hardly anyone noticing; the share price simply falls.
  5. It starts to retch and dribble.
  6. Close the vent as soon as water starts to dribble out, and check that the feed-and-expansion tank still has water in it after the radiator has been topped up.
  7. I hated pushing the medicine dropper in between the rows of teeth, now permanently bared, and the hot dry lips, and watching the milk dribble out at the comer because it wouldn't swallow.
  8. dribble urine most of the time without realising it;
  9. In another cupboard they found half a bottle of whisky and a dribble of brandy in the bottom of a Courvoisier bottle.
  10. Remove the grille and one of the AF spanner size bolts on top of the relay under the battery carrier, dribble oil for a small can into the bolt hole and into the relay.
  11. Hag of the Dribble
  12. Dribble over some lemon juice and grind some black pepper onto the salad.
  13. That increases the surface tension on the top of the coffee - or is it the specific gravity? - so that when you dribble the cream slowly down over the back of the spoon it stays on the top."

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