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Перевод: drinkable speek drinkable

годный для питья


  1. Left to its own devices, real ale stays in a drinkable condition for about a week.
  2. The aim is to keep the beer in a drinkable condition for longer but both systems interfere with the maturation of the beer and deliver an unpleasantly fizzy pint.
  3. What other drinkable 22-year old wine would you find for under a tenner?
  4. To make drinkable what wine was produced, the native vintners sweetened it with mulberries.
  5. It curdled milk in tea, was just drinkable in coffee, and, when people washed in it, the water turned blue.
  6. The red was sharp and thin but drinkable, though one would not care for a second glass.
  7. Amidst all this evidence of the effects of unlimited destructive powers unleashed, there were small pockets in which some remarkable things survived - delicate china cups, corked bottles of water, still drinkable, little packets of starch in which the granules were untouched; even a street fountain still splashed cold drinking water in one of the ruined streets.
  8. And in any case the main gains to efficiency will come not from privatisation, but from the legal necessity imposed by the EC (which would have happened anyway) to invest 25 billion over 10 years to bring water up to drinkable standards.
  9. And this is more than just drinkable, it is an enormous, fruit-packed wine, smelling sublimely of ripe blackcurrants.
  10. An a la carte three-course supper for two with a bottle of very drinkable Moroccan red at, say, Le Petit Poucet comes to 10 all in.
  11. Now is about right for many of the 1981s, which are, however, not great wines, but very engaging and drinkable and at relatively affordable prices, even those with the well-known names.
  12. Our well water is plentiful and drinkable.

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