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Перевод: dripping speek dripping

капающий; каплющий; мокрый; промокший;
капанье; просачивание; падающая каплями жидкость; жир, капающий с мяса во время жаренья


  1. And what was happening was, I was dripping sweat into it and rusting bits and shorting the battery.
  2. And all the time, like pipes dripping, weakening and preparing to burst in the attic, around the house hearts were slowly breaking while nothing was being said.
  3. Store raw meat at the bottom of the fridge to avoid any blood dripping on to any other foods.
  4. The waiter rescued the bottle which was dripping water generously about the table cloth and it was a moment or two before the mopping up was done and Charles could get on with the argument.
  5. Liza and I have been busy with our apple-and-quince jelly; the kitchen is veiled and festooned in dripping jelly-muslin, ingeniously caught up amongst the legs of inverted chairs, like spider-webs.
  6. "You need your eyes tested," she said to herself finally as she trudged on up the steps, the melting ice-creams dripping all over her fingers.
  7. In the refining sheds, the last of the cones stood, cooling and whitening, and dripping their slow, golden molasses into their jars.
  8. Blood was dripping from her right hand, The sight of it gave her a funny cold feeling inside, and the thought flashed through her mind: "Shall I be able to paint again?"
  9. Suddenly, she was hosting Wogan , dripping diamant jewellery, wearing shiny tights, high heels and rustling short taffeta skirts.
  10. There were very old dogs, taken gently to the nearest suitable spot then straight home; dogs who bounded ahead, to wait for a moment, look round, eyes shining, mouth dripping, before dashing off once more; dogs on the lead, who would drag their owner slowly from one thoughtfully sniffed-over site to the next; and there were some, like Wilson, who trotted to heel - alert, brisk, responsible - although Wilson was not a dog, only so much like an Aberdeen terrier in bearing and gait that his picture sometimes became confused in my mind.
  11. The menu is sharply to the point: three kinds of fish - haddock, plaice, halibut - dipped in the secret Ramsden batter and fried in beef dripping, airy and crisp, plus sliced bread and butter and a pot of tea-bag tea.
  12. In Moscow, Pravda published fierce criticisms of Bonn's open-door policy, complaining of an "assault on the stability in the centre of Europe", and of a "noisy propaganda campaign dripping with chauvinism".
  13. While her unpleasant husband shut himself in his room and wrote letters, she explored the island with Paul Masson and for the first time in her life "tasted and touched the salt, the sand, the seaweed, the odorous soft bed of the receding sea, the dripping fish".

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