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Перевод: drowsy speek drowsy

сонливый; сонный; дремлющий; снотворный; навевающий дремоту; вялый


  1. There was plenty of time before Curtain Up at 8 o'clock, half the cast had gone out and backstage had a drowsy air about it.
  2. Long - well, perhaps not that long-ago, in a drowsy Melbourne suburb called Surrey Hills, where Christmas came but once a year and the rest of the time there was the telly, you could say life was dull.
  3. If your youngster overdoses and you find them drowsy or unconscious, here's what to do:
  4. In the drowsy drawl of Arthur Russell or A.R.
  5. Sudden onset again, with a burning red skin ; high fever; dryness and usually thirst; throbbing headache; drowsy and may be delirious; cannot sleep; twitches and jerks; starts and jumps; sore throat; swollen face; hot head and cold extremities.
  6. If we are drowsy we may not hear either the piccolo or the dog whistle.
  7. I began to feel drowsy and wondered about the hedgerow broth.
  8. Slow onset ; gradual fever and chilliness which may run up and down the back; feels very heavy and tired , so he is motionless, apathetic, drowsy, dislikes disturbances; thirstless; watery coryza which burns the upper lip; occipital dull heavy headache ; sometimes a harsh croupy cough; chills and heats chase each other; sneezing; sore throat; face dark red, swollen with a besotted look; ptosis; so tired, weak and feels stupid .
  9. Now in the special silence of summer dusk, sibilant with drowsy leaves and little waves, another ear-rending arrow of black flew past.
  10. Flat expanses of sand conjured up images of the savannah it had once been: giraffes picking leaves from high branches, an antelope grazing, and young zebras running in circles while their mothers eye a drowsy lion in the long grass.
  11. Shakes her glad Wings, and quits the drowsy Bed
  12. Drowsy, you wanted to make love.
  13. It was found that some aromas made people feel drowsy, others made them feel uplifted or even euphoric.

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