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Перевод: duplicate speek duplicate

воспроизведенный в точности; аналогичный; запасный; запасной; двойной; спаренный; удвоенный;
копия ; запасные части; дубликат ; залоговая квитанция;
дублировать; делать дубликат; снимать копию; размножать; удваивать; увеличивать вдвое


  1. The planning department's scanning of business information could duplicate that done by the business units but it was found that the planners were more concerned with understanding the structure of industries and markets rather than with more detailed facts.
  2. I refer to my letter to you of 18 May last, in which I explained that the Agreement that you had signed for the above tape had not been signed on behalf of Oxford University Press, and that the duplicate copy which you had retained for your records needed to be returned to us for signature in Oxford before I could despatch your copy of the tape to you.
  3. Most important of all, the importer of goods will not have to submit these goods to duplicate series of tests and certification procedures where it wishes to import a product.
  4. An examination of the catalogue entries for 20,000 British national bibliography titles ordered during one six-month period for 49 University of London libraries revealed no more than 1.85 entries per title - hardly disturbing evidence of duplicate ordering.
  5. According to the association, calls made on the duplicate telephone are then charged to the account of the legal phone.
  6. The phenomenon depends upon an exchange of benefits and not upon the fact that, as in Hamilton's theory, the gene in question benefits its duplicate in another organism.
  7. "The real value of the CANZ series is that it brings together a group of national level players for two weeks with games against consistently top level opposition which would be difficult to duplicate anywhere else.
  8. The purpose of an audit mark or stamp on clients' documents is twofold: it provides evidence that the document has been examined for a particular purpose (which should be clear from the audit file); and it helps to avoid the document's being re-presented as support for a duplicate entry.
  9. Some micro rooms duplicate as terminal laboratories to the central systems, using software terminal emulation packages for text, colour graphics and micro-to-mainframe file transfer links.
  10. Though by no means uncommon, this approach wastes a great deal of staff time (because the same titles will be listed and considered in several different sources) and is also likely to lead to duplicate ordering.
  11. How can we duplicate the gentle water flow Mbuna experience in the wild, and still provide adequate filtration?
  12. Gravimetric analysis in duplicate was certainly not then unknown, contrary to Jones' experience.
  13. A selection of pre-1700 books fetched two and a half times its valuation; a sale of duplicate art portfolios and fine printing had the "big boys" from London falling over each other

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