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Перевод: dyeing

крашение; крашение тканей; окраска тканей; красильное дело


  1. Demonstrations of hand carding, spinning, weaving and dyeing.
  2. The big dyeing job was done twice a year at the hairdresser's, but every month or so in between, Mrs Wormwood used to freshen it up by giving it a rinse in the washbasin with something called PLATINUM BLONDE HAIR-DYE EXTRA STRONG.
  3. "Surely," said Lefevre, "it cannot have escaped a man of your experience that some ladies are in the habit of dyeing their hair."
  4. Between these two ridges the fire of the sunset falls along the trough of the sea, dyeing it with an awful but glorious light, the intense and lurid splendour which burns like gold, and bathes like blood.
  5. With boundless enthusiasm, topics ranging from chemiluminescence to polymerisation, and from dyeing to Tyndall scattering were explained, with vivid demonstrations and fascinating anecdotes to an audience held captivated for over 90 minutes.
  6. An argument arose over a paper by Miller on the dyeing properties of Toxicodendron (poison ivy), species of which occur both in North America and Japan, though represented in each by different sub-species.
  7. She tried out traditional natural dyeing methods (eg the African resist technique) for this season's collection, which, incidentally, is dedicated Stussy-style to "groovers and growers of the one world tribe vibe who want to be a part of the solution".
  8. Once his appearance has been changed to identify him with the group (it may be dyeing his hair shocking pink or wearing a big badge), then not only will other people assume that he has agreed to all the ideas and implications of the movement but he himself will be more likely to feel this to be true, even to throw all doubt to the four winds without further investigation.
  9. At Walkerburn, a few miles along the river from Peebles, a mill shop and wool museum display all the processes of shearing, cleaning, spinning, carding, dyeing and weaving.
  10. They stock headdresses from Cupid, handmade garters and shoe clips from Butterfly and Lace accessories, veils from Jean Elizabeth and offer a dyeing service on Dana Bridal Footwear.
  11. She felt a sudden desire to dye her hair blonde and keep dyeing it every day so that the roots would never show.
  12. You know how particular she was about dyeing her hair.
  13. Visitors can follow the various stages in processing the wool, from blending through cording, spinning and dyeing to wearing and garment manufacture.

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