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Перевод: economize speek economize

экономить; экономничать


  1. He had tried to economize with the size and quality and the envelopes were in danger of splitting.
  2. Then both the earners and the users of foreign exchange will know its real opportunity cost, and they will adjust their behaviour so as to economize on foreign exchange in the short term and to earn more of it in the long term.
  3. To economize, Chron sent his wife to pose for Modi, but he was furious and sent the unfortunate lady upstairs.
  4. Habituation and dishabituation, which thus fulfil the criteria for the definitions of learning given at the beginning of Chapter 6, can be regarded as very basic and simple forms of short-term memory, adaptive mechanisms which economize on unnecessary responses and hence help to avoid fatigue.
  5. Yet others accused bankrupt nations of Eastern Europe of adopting "Odonata funerals" as a way in which the state could economize on electricity and wood.
  6. Disgust with the body may be formulated as a disgust with the sheer materiality of words (the secretion): hence the need to economize with them, to formalize them, to cut them down.
  7. In situations that involve uncertainty, bounded rationality and opportunism it is important to economize on resources used in negotiating, implementing and adapting contracts as well as on those used for more narrowly defined productive tasks.
  8. With other inputs being priced at marginal cost, this will lead the purchaser to economize on the input in question, compared with its true resource cost, using more of the relatively cheap inputs.
  9. Of course, as the examples of man, woman , and people illustrate, one can economize in the opposite direction as it were, from grammar to lexis.
  10. Nevertheless naval power on a large scale meant a very heavy commitment of resources: the temptation to economize on the navy in times of financial stringency was correspondingly strong.
  11. Site specificity occurs where, for example, separable stages of production are placed in close proximity to economize on transport costs, and their relocation costs are high.
  12. The budgets for the two movies (11 million versus 28 million) were roughly comparable, allowing for inflation; but unlike Star Wars (9.5 million, less than half the cost of 2001 , allowing for inflation), Alien and others, shot mainly in England for economy, 2010 stuck to MGM's home base in Culver City and did not economize on actors, except by avoiding superstars.
  13. Authors had to economize in the number of illustrations they used, and readers had to get into the habit of turning a number of pages to find a relevant picture.

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