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Перевод: Egypt speek Egypt

[имя собственное]
Египет [геогр.]


  1. A vital British policy objective, therefore, is to persuade the Saudi government to finance Egypt as the regional policeman, since Egypt has a large army and population but little money.
  2. The Assembly hovered on the brink of the regime's attack on traders, but shied away from discussion of other economic policies, relations with Egypt, or conscription.
  3. Near the start of chapter 14 the people spoke of choosing another leader and going back to Egypt.
  4. She had seen a horror film once about an archaeologist in Egypt.
  5. The composition of any Palestinian delegation remains one of two crucial issues at the heart of Likud's opposition to the 10 points put forward by President Mubarak of Egypt and devised as clarifications of Israel's own initiative.
  6. Egypt has requested financing for expensive refurbishment and modernisation from the United States, which provides some 1.6bn in military aid annually.
  7. The second of them in 21.4-;9 recalls in its words of complaint the stories of Exodus 16 and 17 in particular, and also Numbers 11: "Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?
  8. It consists of Egypt's 3rd and 4th Armoured Divisions, plus the 145th Commando Regiment.
  9. Although my household and ARP duties did not allow of a visit to the Western hospital some folk came to see us at the main post, and laugh at the fact that the Steward of the hospital had had to send the last of his well-trained clerks to Egypt to help count the number of prisoners and try to get the provision for them in some sort of order.
  10. From time to time fringe elements in MI6 dream up hare-brained schemes like the plot to assassinate President Nasser of Egypt, or sending midget submarines into the Russian naval base at Leningrad.
  11. The British troops in Greece, also in nearby Crete, were driven out, and other setbacks were experienced in the Western Desert of Egypt, mainly due to the over long supply lines.
  12. What have you done to us, in bringing us out of Egypt?
  13. Probably from Egypt.

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