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Перевод: Egyptian speek Egyptian

египтянин ; египтянка ; цыган ; цыганка


  1. Commanded by the brilliant Rommel in a lightning campaign, the Afrika Korps threw the British forces into headlong retreat back to the Egyptian border, leaving only a garrison encircled in the coastal town of Tobruk.
  2. In the early 1950s, however, the Egyptian revolution and the widespread Arab nationalist sentiments which it fostered throughout the Arab world found expression in anti-Western sentiment.
  3. Using pure Chinese silk, she paints exotic mythological and Egyptian patterns, as well as more everyday subjects like hens and fish.
  4. There was a way down, on iron rungs, from the Reading Room, and a way out, through a high locked portal, which brought you up into the sunless Egyptian necropolis, amongst blind staring pharaohs, crouching scribes, minor sphinxes and empty mummy-cases.
  5. The voice-over says that the officer is from the Egyptian army.
  6. The PLO leader, Mr Yasser Arafat, who was in Cairo earlier this week, appears to be giving tacit support to the Egyptian strategy.
  7. This representation of Mithra appears to have been derived from Egyptian art, and it has been suggested that it may have been influenced by the bandages of mummified corpses.
  8. The food, coming from a spotless galley, we ate fearlessly: an agreeable mixture of English and Egyptian, while the drink was, for most of us, Egyptian beer or their resinated white wine.
  9. Like all British officials of the Egyptian Government I had been dismissed from my university post eighteen months before, and I was glad that the British Council was able to offer me a small post in Athens, instead of piece work in Cairo.
  10. They tell of how the Israelites were caught between the Reed Sea and the pursuing Egyptian army, and how God drove the Egyptians into the sea to drown, while leading his people across to safety.
  11. Visitors to the Egyptian force in Saudi Arabia come away with the impression that it will not hesitate to join an attack if ordered to do so.
  12. Bandung File (C4) also ended last night-really ended, the last programme of its fourth and last series, for reasons still not clear-with a profile of the only Arab ever to win the Nobel Prize for literature, the Egyptian novelist and poet Naguib Mahfouz.
  13. For example, a small Egyptian gold pendant in the form of a shell (now in the Egyptian Department of the British Museum, EA 65281) is very probably ancient, but it bears an engraved cartouche purporting to be of the Twelfth Dynasty in the early second millennium BC.

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