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Перевод: Egyptology speek Egyptology



  1. anyw anyway erm I was talking to her on the bus not too long ago and, I don't know how it came up but she was talking about Egypt, and er she'd been apparently oh some a year or two back cos she did a, an evening course on Egyptology and she went through that, but she was telling me about a friend or friends of hers who'd been er and told me about the trip.
  2. Perhaps the outstanding legacy of Napoleon's invasion lay with the bevy of experts he had brought with him who created the Institute d'Egypte producing numerous volumes that were to launch Egyptology in the Western academic world and, in time, to remind educated Egyptians of former glories.
  3. Occupies listed Victorian house and holds a number of notable collections in Egyptology, botany, geology and zoology with special emphasis on butterflies, insects, birds and eggs and a diorama display of New Forest mammals.
  4. In his later years he became a student of Egyptology, and was also a connoisseur who amassed a fine collection of medieval manuscripts and monastic seals.
  5. Roscheck, who studied Egyptology, mathematics and astronomy as well as art, paints delicate webs of lines which resemble human inventions hieroglyphics, roads, pipes, circuitry, weapons as well as the arteries and organs of the human body.

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