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Перевод: egalitarian speek egalitarian

уравнительный; уравнительский; эгалитарный;
эгалитарист ; поборник равноправия


  1. Another egalitarian principle that some researchers think holds back research is the "Gieskanne" or watering can principle for supporting research in universities.
  2. Rap, with its frequent assertions of power, would have to be put down, like some troublesome insurrection, or would no longer be necessary, in the new, egalitarian, ego-supportive state of play.
  3. One possible basis for Animal Liberation is an egalitarian interpretation of interests.
  4. The abolition of examinations, shortening the length of courses and open criticism of teachers and academic knowledge, among other features of the Cultural Revolution period, led to disruption and chaos rather than Mao's goal of an egalitarian higher education system.
  5. Another aspect of humanness is an egalitarian social order.
  6. Although this approach may be more ambiguous and more difficult to implement than more common practices, it seems to result in services that are more fluid, creative, and egalitarian and potentially more responsive to client and community needs.
  7. That society became a more egalitarian, caring and humane society, and the present generation would do well to reflect on this.
  8. Whatever the politics of decision-making within the household, male dominated, elder-dominated, or more egalitarian, it is usually necessary to pursue these enquiries first.
  9. For the United States, the assimilation of wave after wave of immigrants into an egalitarian society was more than a pious hope.
  10. Mr Hattersley said on LWT's Walden programme, that Labour should not lose sight of its egalitarian ideals.
  11. They were implemented, however, at a time of general recession and reduction of public expenditure; critics accused the report of hiding cuts behind egalitarian language.
  12. Such trends, however, very much go against the grain of the egalitarian principle that pervades the German university system to a far greater extent than the British one.
  13. The people of the Scottish island of Lewis, for example, have a shared history of adversity and isolation, a highly egalitarian society and a homogeneous culture which has made cooperation possible.

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