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Перевод: egghead speek egghead

мыслящая личность; интеллектуал ; интеллигент ; умник ; эрудит


  1. Microsoft is also figuring on almost immediate street discounting, since it will push NT through retail channels like the Egghead chain of stores.
  2. In spite of her love of reading Eva denies being an egghead.
  3. Her family had always referred to her as the "egghead".
  4. That sort of language encouraged the many resentments Americans harbour against high culture (remember the disparagement of Adlai Stevenson as an "egghead"?) and led to such curiosae as the Chicago attack on an Eric Fischl painting in which a fully clothed boy looks at a naked man swinging a bat.
  5. Three were familiar; she recognized the Sun headline, "Warning For Death-case Egghead", and the more subdued headlines from the Observer and the Guardian.
  6. Or someone curious to see just how far his retarded egghead act will allow him to go?
  7. "Warning For Death-case Egghead", said the headline mysteriously.
  8. "It takes an egghead," he cried, wiping the tears from his eyes.
  9. Dr Magnus Pyke: Oct 19, aged 83: TV egghead who brought science to the masses.
  10. And then there was Ken as James Bailey, the egghead who knew more about everything than anyone else and never stopped saying so.
  11. Certainly his "egghead" image fitted awkwardly into a Maidenform-Bra-moulded mind.
  12. Microsoft is also figuring on almost immediate street discounting, since it will push NT through retail channels like the Egghead Inc chain of stores.
  13. Unfortunately for Adlai Stevenson, it proved harder to stop the traffic in his egghead's bow tie.

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