e ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey

Перевод: ego speek ego

эго; субъект мысли; мыслящая личность; собственная персона; собственное 'я'


  1. When we fall in love we drop the boundaries that are usually described as our ego.
  2. The kite is the representative image of freedom, of which Scobie commented, "it is one of Cohen's most successful and most richly complex images"; which Ondaatje highlights as "symbolic of our ego and our ambition, of all that is original and free in us."
  3. Without appropriate or just "good enough" object relationships the mature ego cannot develop.
  4. Here are five telltale signs that the Ego is in command:
  5. She'd heard Lucy at meetings, fielding worries, steering the conversation around the reefs and sandbanks of ego and uncertainty.
  6. Asking the way down with the glory of sight restored would have been stupid in the extreme, and I gave secret thanks for my ego salvation.
  7. Mind is said to be "full of will" or "desire" to progress and process different sensations, driven by the Ego in its ceaseless quest to assimilate experience: the mental image is presented to the intellect where it becomes "known" by individual consciousness.
  8. (This does not mean that you must love being nervous or critical; just that you must love yourself - whatever your Ego is up to.)
  9. These are not merely story-telling, they are attempts to tidy up external reality, attempts to select, order, shape, often to reshape experiences so that they can be understood, coped with, made more bearable, and ego supporting.
  10. Thus, classical structuralism, with its cold, formal impersonality, occurs as a reaction to the 1940s existentialist emphasis on the individual ego; and becomes itself overturned or deconstructed by poststructuralist "playfulness".
  11. If someone is angry with you, Ego says they're bad-tempered and unreasonable.
  12. Desmond Egan, an ebullient man known in the enemy camp as Desperate Ego, is confident that he and Dr Kavanagh will win the day.

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