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Перевод: egoist speek egoist



  1. And three or four years later, in an essay that is still valuable inasmuch as it is a catena diligently culled from curious reading, Pound urges readers of The Egoist to pay attention to Ovid rather than "the more Tennysonian Virgil".
  2. The egoist might concede that, since in choosing means to his own ends he has to try to predict others' behaviour, he does find it a practical necessity at times to imagine from their viewpoints at the cost of transiently feeling himself moved in altruistic directions.
  3. However, after attention lapses he can retain his insights into another person, and use them in choices of means, without abandoning his long-term egoistic ends for the altruistic goals to which he briefly felt himself drawn; he can therefore claim to have obeyed "Be aware" without ceasing to be an egoist.
  4. Suppose that I try to act consistently as an egoist, indifferent to any effect on others which is not a means to an effect on myself.
  5. The egoist might raise a further objection: granted that I do indeed suffer from a sufferer's viewpoint, I generally feel very much less from other viewpoints than from my own; then will not the inclinations I choose in obedience to "Be aware" tend to be self-centred, even if they do not quite fulfil the requirements of a pure philosophical egoism?
  6. The first question which an egoist might raise is why it should be assumed that I cannot be aware from another's viewpoint without being moved towards his goals.
  7. An egoist who tries to ground his ethic in "Be aware" would have to break down the analogy between personal and other viewpoints; and to do so he could not appeal to the most obvious difference, that while "here" and "there" are exchanged by the agent's movements, and "now" is continuously changing into "then", he remains to himself unalterably "I".
  8. It depends on the act of viewpoint-shifting, which we must now consider more closely, remaining always on the lookout for loopholes through which the egoist might slip.
  9. But if we start from the conception of the rational man who disciplines his spontaneity by an awareness independent of viewpoint, then it is for the egoist to explain why he claims priority for responses from his own viewpoint.
  10. It is no mystery that a child can feel compelled to judge himself from his father's viewpoint, although it may seem so if one uses Freudian language and starts puzzling about what it could mean for an instinctive egoist to "introject" the image of his father.
  11. The egoist might now appeal to the difference between awareness and attentive attentiveness.
  12. And a decade later, when the term "has-been" seemed almost an understatement, she not only gratefully accepted but gleefully flung herself into the high camp, Low Gothic shenanigans of Robert Aldrich's Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962), in which, with a gloating relish that neither her baby-doll fright wig nor her impenetrable pancake make-up could conceal, she set about tormenting her immemorial screen rival and alter ego (or egoist), Joan Crawford.
  13. M oral philosophers are accustomed to start from the individual pursuing his own ends; at once the question arises "Why should I prefer anyone else's to my own?", and until it can be answered the advantage lies with the egoist.

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